
Decentralized NETWORK


dNet is a product that radically simplifies the process of creating enterprise, permissioned blockchain infrastructures. Connected and digitized forms of partnership and collaboration between organizations are enabled through the use of dNet at the click of a mouse. The collaboration infrastructure is defined online and applies decentralized methods to share governance and decision-making among participants. Complete auditability and transparency of governance processes are ensured. The collaboration models are implemented via smart contracts and the logic is rolled out on distributed apps via dNet. The lifecycle management of the business logic and its implementation becomes visible and traceable for all participants.

The software allows, in a visual, self-explanatory way, to create and manage the complete lifecycle of decentralized blockchain-based infrastructures.


dNet is an operating system for business consortia. Set up distributed (Blockchain) networks in no-time and install decentralized applications with ease. Make instant decisions with your business partners through on-chain governance. Run inter-company workflows and share data in a GDPR compliant way.

dNet provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for all of these.

A digital platform that drives a cultural shift within the SME domain, allowing a shared economy approach: on one side embracing the coopetition around the companies key differentiators and core values, while on the other side managing collaboratively the rest of their corporate value flows (such as Supply Chain, Logistics, Financial Services, Lobby activities, Infrastructure, Licenses, etc.).

What are the main advantages of such a system?

A platform for enabling trustful collaboration between any organizations - building an ecosystem to share resources and create synergic cooperation. dNet offers out of the box configurations for complex technical setups and gives a simple governance process for consortium creation. SMEs are accessing an Store for finding and installing decentralised Apps, covering main interactions and business processes.

Pioneering Blockchain Technology for Inter-Company Processes

dNet is designed to tackle the persistent problems in digitalization, such as data format discrepancies and the lack of a standardized protocol for processing orders.

Streamlining Operations

dNet leverages the power of blockchain technology to standardize these processes, managing the complete order process from initiation to invoice payment. It does this through the use of smart contracts - self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. These are verifiable, auditable, and transparent for all involved parties.

Empowering Users

Potential issues such as the technical proficiency needed to understand and verify the code are addressed in dNet's design. Moreover, dNet ensures fair governance by enabling consortium members to vote on significant changes, such as the addition of a new member or the introduction of new blockchain code.

Software Sovereignty

dNet stands out among software solutions like IBM Blockchain Platform and AWS Managed Blockchain. Developed by dCentra GmbH, dNet offers a high degree of sovereignty, allowing consortium members to vote on all important decisions and install decentralized applications (dApps) on the network.

In conclusion, dNet, through its innovative use of blockchain technology, serves as a "meta-protocol" that not only enhances inter-company processes but also allows for fair and equal collaboration among different business entities. Experience the future of digital transformation with dNet.